These numbers are a reflection of the hard work and dedication of those who have taken the time to volunteer on our team to help their communities, but mostly the cats.

Annual TNR Project Stats:


1,023+ Cats & Kittens  (April-Dec 2x/week)


1,300+ Cats & Kittens (Jan-Dec 2x/week)  


2,800+ Cats & Kittens (Jan-Dec 2x/week) 


6,000+ (as of 12.1.18 2x/week)

Total TNR Project Stats: 11,123

These totals do not take into account individually driven in cats from our vanpool members on Saturday clinics nor cats that unfortunately had to be euthanized due to severe sickness or injury **

 Get The Facts


Kittens can begin breeding at 4 months of age (16 weeks)

A nursing mama cat can go into heat when kittens are 4 weeks old


Female cats goes into heat every 2 weeks until she is pregnant

Female cats will have their litter within 64 days of becoming pregnant (2 months + 4 days)


Male cats can easily travel 10 blocks or more a day for a female in heat

The normal life of a feral cat is roughly only 1-3 years due to all the dangers of living outside (predators, people, disease, traffic, elements)


A lot of concerned people call regarding a mama cat giving birth in their yard. If you can get within 3 feet of the cat, 9 times out of 10 she is someone's pet! Please knock on doors throughout your neighborhood.

Just remember, if a cat has her litter in your yard, she felt it was SAFE!

So please, don't give her or the kittens away or call animal control! If you cannot find the cat’s owner, contact us so when the time is right we will you to get the mama cat fixed.

Thank you for caring!!!

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Ready to make a difference for your community?

You can help us make a difference RIGHT NOW by helping the cats who are unwanted, abandoned, starving, pregnant & alone! Grab some friends, create a team and DO SOME GOOD!

Save a Stray, Save Multiple Lives.