Contact Us

Please fill out our form below so we can best help you.

We have a high volume of phone calls/emails/form submissions requesting help, so please be patient. As a volunteer-ran organization, we are working to serve the community as quickly as possible.

Please let us know if you would like to sign up as a Volunteer....we need more feet on the streets! 

Contact Us

What You Can Do right Now:

  • Create a team to help your neighborhood or find a “battle buddy” to help you

  • Sign up to begin doing TNR by registering & doing your online FixNation training here: Learn TNR

  • Contact us when your FixNation training is completed to be added to our vanpool.

  • Spread the word, educate people...a lot of people don't know what TNR is and how much it can help.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Even though our trappers will independently foster kittens they are finding at colonies they are working on, it is their choice and they do so independently. We are not a Rescue and do not have a facility.

Please visit our Resources page and/or Google "cat rescue" or "cat surrender" with your zip code to find rescues locally for help.